are a real nightmare, because often quite difficult to remove ... seems to be
"stuck" in the nose (mainly) and that there will not come anymore. And
are not only present in the faces of women, but also in the men, although they
usually do not give much importance. Prevention or elimination of black
spots is not an easy task if you want to eradicate,
you must be very patient and
avoid becoming outbreaks in a given area.
What are blackheads?
These famous and unsightly spots that will appear in certain
areas, such as the nose, chin, cheeks or around the lips, are dead cells,
"mixed" with sebum. They
are darkened by oxidation that occurs upon contact with the surface.
They are not always related to acne (unlike what is believed),
but also to excess production in oily skin. Therefore usually more common in the
warmer months.

not only appear during adolescence. If you have a skin that produces too
much bait and also not clean properly, they are more likely to appear.Removing them requires time and dedication, but
above all, patience.
It is vital that you keep
a routine cleaning your face both during the day and night. If you perspire too much, do not
withdraw makeup before sleeping or
not you wash your face with water, when you get on the street, you are more
likely to appear black spots.
Depending on the
type of skin you have precisarás more or less washes. Never forget to moisturize your face! Remember that once you have managed to remove blackheads, you must continue
to maintain that routine so you
do not appear again. Try
to make your pores are clean and
"closed." This
requires washing the face with cold water every day.
apply homemade masks, made with oatmeal, yogurt or sugar: they are exfoliants
par excellence.
How to remove blackheads?

There are several methods to remove blackheads from your face
and great to see you. Here we are
the most effective and popular to combat this problem tricks:
· Buy a glue (one of those used at school, non - toxic). Vaporizes your face with hot or put a wet towel water. Then to escrow the glue in areas where blackheads are. Wait until completely dry. When hard, remove it as if it were a tape. If you turn, you will see that there are all the roots of the dots.
· The second alternative is to use the bathroom and remove them one by one.Heats facial skin with water from the shower to the pores expand. If you press slowly and gently, will alone, but should be shallow for it. A good option is touse a depilatory to remove clip once "poke" through the skin. This prevents marks.
· Use a gentle exfoliator (can be a homemade mask or purchased) to remove all the dead cells. To clean the skin, dry it well, giving gentle taps with a towel. Place a wet compress for about 10 minutes to soften the blackheads. Dry well. Gun cotton balls and place one on each Your Fingertips: so do not slip over your face and will not mark your skin. Apply gentle pressure until it exits.
· This method requires a toothbrush no longer going to use and toothpaste. Apply the paste as if to brush your teeth. Wet the brush and your face with warm water . Every day before going to sleep for a few minutes gently brush in the area, where black spots are. Then sterilizes the brush with boiling water, but already only destinies this purpose. Thoroughly wash your face and apply a moisturizer.
· Prepares a lotion with lime juice, almond oil and glycerin in equal parts. Apply on the face every day at night and let him act at least 15 minutes. Then wash your face with warm water. So you eiminarás blackheads and also will reduce the spots on the face.
· Bate clear of egg and apply all over the face, but mainly in areas where blackheads are formed. Place two sheets of toilet paper or paper towel and wait an hour before dry well, that is, when the paper is hard. Remove it gently. Rinse entire face with warm water. Dry without rubbing.
· Rinse your face with warm or hot water to open the pores water. Then placed in the corner of the towel a little olive oil or almond. Toothpaste adds up. Apply gently but firmly over the nose or in the area where you have blackheads. Massage in circles. If you see it necessary, you can repeat the mix. Wait 5 minutes and rinse with warm water.
· Heated towel with stove or boiling water. Without you burn, put it on your face for ten minutes, until cool. Wash the face with warm water with a mild soap. Rinse with cold water to close the pores and apply a moisturizer that does not contain oil. Then apply alcohol and massaged for five minutes. Rinse.
· Buy a glue (one of those used at school, non - toxic). Vaporizes your face with hot or put a wet towel water. Then to escrow the glue in areas where blackheads are. Wait until completely dry. When hard, remove it as if it were a tape. If you turn, you will see that there are all the roots of the dots.
· The second alternative is to use the bathroom and remove them one by one.Heats facial skin with water from the shower to the pores expand. If you press slowly and gently, will alone, but should be shallow for it. A good option is touse a depilatory to remove clip once "poke" through the skin. This prevents marks.
· Use a gentle exfoliator (can be a homemade mask or purchased) to remove all the dead cells. To clean the skin, dry it well, giving gentle taps with a towel. Place a wet compress for about 10 minutes to soften the blackheads. Dry well. Gun cotton balls and place one on each Your Fingertips: so do not slip over your face and will not mark your skin. Apply gentle pressure until it exits.
· This method requires a toothbrush no longer going to use and toothpaste. Apply the paste as if to brush your teeth. Wet the brush and your face with warm water . Every day before going to sleep for a few minutes gently brush in the area, where black spots are. Then sterilizes the brush with boiling water, but already only destinies this purpose. Thoroughly wash your face and apply a moisturizer.
· Prepares a lotion with lime juice, almond oil and glycerin in equal parts. Apply on the face every day at night and let him act at least 15 minutes. Then wash your face with warm water. So you eiminarás blackheads and also will reduce the spots on the face.
· Bate clear of egg and apply all over the face, but mainly in areas where blackheads are formed. Place two sheets of toilet paper or paper towel and wait an hour before dry well, that is, when the paper is hard. Remove it gently. Rinse entire face with warm water. Dry without rubbing.
· Rinse your face with warm or hot water to open the pores water. Then placed in the corner of the towel a little olive oil or almond. Toothpaste adds up. Apply gently but firmly over the nose or in the area where you have blackheads. Massage in circles. If you see it necessary, you can repeat the mix. Wait 5 minutes and rinse with warm water.
· Heated towel with stove or boiling water. Without you burn, put it on your face for ten minutes, until cool. Wash the face with warm water with a mild soap. Rinse with cold water to close the pores and apply a moisturizer that does not contain oil. Then apply alcohol and massaged for five minutes. Rinse.
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