Getting rid of blackheads is a huge concern for millions of North Americans. Unfortunately, blackheads have a habit of popping up when you least expect them. For example, you are dressed for your prom date, you look at the mirror, one last time — and there it is, a nasty old blackhead! Fortunately, there are many ways to how to get rid of blackheads.
A blackhead breakout could be caused by a number of reasons; excessive dead cells blocking the open pores, excessive production of oil in your skin, incorrectly cleaning of facial skin, or some medical problems like, indigestion, anemia, constipation, or under active thyroid gland, are considered to be contributing factors of pimple breakouts.
Blackheads are the first initial stage of acne and can appear anywhere on your body but usually occur in clusters on your forehead, nose, and cheeks. They are usually visible as black or dark-whitish objects that stick out of your skin pores. You can spend a lot of money on treatments trying to cure them yourself; however, there are many treatments that are not as expensive that you can try at home. However, remember the basic treatment is to wash your face twice a day with warm water and a mild soap to remove the excessive oil and dead skin. Don’t squeeze pimples as you can run the risk of infection or even having a permanent scare on your face. It is best to seek medical care of a dermatologist and get professional advice to help get rid of your pimples.
There are some natural tips that can help you get rid of blackheads from your face, especially around the T-zone, which is a well-known area for pimples, whiteheads, and zits. Avoid humid conditions, don’t squeeze them, even though it is tempting, but don’t. Relieve stress as much as possible, use sun screen when you are outside for long periods of time, take ibuprofen which help infections.
Three quick blackhead treatments you can try at home, utilizing only kitchen ingredients.
1. Apply warm honey on troubled areas on you face for a short time, then wash your face with a clean wash clothe. Honey is a known effective method for removing pimples from the skin.
2. Use is a baking soda and water recipe. Combine 3 tablespoons of baking soda and water. Rub the solution gently on your face for a couple of minutes and then rinse with warm water.
3. Apply lemon juice directly on the affective areas two or three times a day. Lemon juice will tighten the pores and they will be less likely to appear.
To get rid of blackheads, you need to follow a daily routine. Wash you face regularly, at least twice a day using a gentle motion around troubled areas. Keep you skin clean and try using warm honey, baking soda and water, and lemon juice applied directly on troubled areas. The blackhead home remedies are very effective. If these or other treatments don’t work, see a doctor. Your dermatologist will recommend what will be the right treatment for you. But the most important thing is to be persistent in your treatments; if you are persistent, you will certainly be able to get rid of your blackheads, in due time.
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